Time to Take Action

Now that you have learned about the need for evangelizing the lost, it is time to take action and start trying to evangelize the lost.

Evaluating Yourself

This is to say that you need to know how proficient you are as far as sharing your faith.

If you are just starting out in your Christian walk, your best next step may be to take a class in evangelism.  Your church may offer classes at various times during the year, or you may be able to take an online class.  The class may vary from a typical classroom setting to actually going out with somebody who is proficient to "on-the-job" type of training, where you go out and observe others as they share their faith.  You can also look at my section on how to share, located on this website.

The next step after completing such a class is actually to go out and share your faith.  Are you comfortable with solo witnessing?  Or would you prefer to go as a pair or as a group?  Remember that you can also change this as the Lord leads.

Avoid falling into any of the reasons that Christians do not witness.  After all, somebody witnessed to you.  Pay it forward!
